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School Dinners

As part of our Healthy School initiative, we encourage all pupils to participate in a healthy lifestyle.  


Healthy snacks are available to purchase from school. The cost of snack is £2 per week or £12 for the half term April - May.  Please purchase snack via ParentPay. 


School lunches are cooked and served on the school premises.  Children are able to choose their meals on a daily basis using the school menu.

Lunches are £2.75 per day or £13.75 per week. Lunches can be paid for using  Parent Pay. Please contact the school office for an individual  username and password for your family.

For any families experiencing difficulties, school lunches may be provided free of charge with the assurance of complete discretion and sensitivity on the part of the school. Please contact the school office for further information regarding free school meals.

Packed lunches

The school encourages pupils to only bring healthy food to school for snacks and packed lunches. Please can families support us in only providing healthy drinks and snacks. Please click on the link for ideas on how to provide your child with a healthy lunch. 

Healthy Lunch Box
Healthy Lunch Box Ideas

Free School Meals 

New Free School Applications -

The Council will do its best to process these applications as efficiently as it can to enable support to be provided promptly. To apply for Free School Meals parents may either email or go to the Council Website to find the application form.

There is a copy of the application form  below.

Primary and secondary school pupils will get free school meals if their family receives: 

  • Income Support,
  • Income Related Employment Support Allowance,
  • Income Based Jobs Seeker’s Allowance,
  • Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit, or
  • Child Tax Credit with an income less than £16,190
  • Universal Credit if the net household earnings is less than £7400.