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Year 4 - Severn

Our Class Team!

Mr Cory Baker
(Class Teacher)

Mrs Rachel Djziemidowicz


Schoop - The school ID is 17699

Twitter - @StDavidsCiWPrm

Email - 

Google classroom code - tk5jfhr

Overview of the School Day:

8.45- Children arrive and settle down to complete their Morning Activity / Register
9.15 – 9.30-Collective Worship
9.30 – 10.45- Literacy, Languages & Communication
10.45 – 11.00-Snack / Break Time
11.00 – 12.00- Mathematics & Numeracy
12.00 – 1.00-Lunch
1.00 – 1.30- Guided Group Reading
1.30 – 1.45 - Daily Mile
1.50 - 3.00 - Afternoon Session (Cross Curricular)
3.05- Daily Welsh Activities
3.15- Home Time 


Key Dates for the Diary - Spring 1

6th January - Children return to school

17th January - Rags to Riches collection

31st January - INSET Day (School closed to pupils)

3rd February - Children's Mental Health Awareness Week

7th February - Mid-Term Reports sent out to Parents

WC 3rd February - Chinese New Year Celebration (PS1 & PS2)

11th February - Valentines Disco - PS1&PS2 3:30pm - 4:30pm, PS3 4:45pm - 5:45pm

13th February - Year 4 Family Worship 9:15am

17th February - Whole School Islam Day Celebration

21st February - Last Day of Term

24th - 28th February - HALF TERM





Please bring a bottle of water to school daily, clearly labelled with your name. Healthy snacks can be purchased from the snack trolley (ordered via ParentPay) or brought in from home. 


Children will practice their spellings for 15 minutes every day using allotted spelling time. The children will have a weekly spelling test every Monday morning. The new spellings will be sent out on Monday via google classroom. Each week we will focus on different spelling patterns.


Please wear your PE kit to school on Fridays. Children should wear black shorts, house colour or white t-shirt and trainers, labelled clearly with their name. They may also wear black jogging bottoms when completing activities outdoors. Mr Smith will be teaching PE on Friday mornings.


Our topic for Spring 1 is 'Myths and Legends' where we will learn all about Welsh culture and heritage through stories of our ancestors. During this topic we will explore creative writing, as well as diving into a Welsh Expressive Arts project where our focus artist will be Gwilym Prichard! This topic has a specific focus on Humanities, where we will explore where these myths took place, if those ruins are still with us today and how the History of Wales has been impacted upon through these tales.

LLC - Story Writing

Humanities -  Where do these Myths take place? What famous Myths are Welsh?

STEM - Natural Materials

Expressive Arts - Art Project focussing on Gwilym Prichard

RVE - What do people do in order to feel like they belong?

Maths and Numeracy - Fractions and Measure



Pupil voice is very important to us at St David's. Please see below for the Pupil Voice questions the children have thought of:

Check back soon for Pupil Voice Questions! 


All of our planning will be based around the six areas of learning and experience and the four core purposes.  Please see the Google Classroom for our weekly planning grids, as well as our enquiry planning for the term.

Homework will be placed on Google Classroom every Friday. Each week, children will be asked to complete either a piece of numeracy or literacy based homework which will alternate from week to week. Please submit all homework by the following Wednesday so we are able to look at your wonderful work and send this back to you.  Weekly Spelling tests will commence every Monday morning and new spellings will be released Monday on Google Classroom.

There will also be a termly homework grid sent out based on our topic. Children may do as many homework tasks as they like over the course of the term. Please see below for this terms homework grid. 
Children are allowed to complete their homework in whichever format they wish to choose. E.g hwb, PowerPoint, on paper, videos etc. 

Below is a homework grid that you can use at home to complete some fun and independent activities linked to our current topic. Please don't hesitate to share any of your wonderful work with us. Diolch!



The Four Purposes!

The four purposes are that all children and young people will be:

Ambitious, capable learners who are ready to learn throughout their lives.

Enterprising, creative contributors who are ready to play a full part in life and work.

Ethical, informed citizens who are ready to be citizens of Wales and the world.

Healthy, confident individuals who are ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.

Christian Value
Our Christian Value for this term is Truthfulness!

"God's people do not lie, or deceive each other" - Leviticus 19:11



In Year 4, our Literacy sessions will develop a range of skills including: Writing, Reading and Oracy. Each session will feature the following:

- An engaging warm-up (Consolidating past skills or developing new skills)

- Concrete learning (Development of Literacy skills)

Throughout the week we will also have opportunities each day for 15 minutes of spelling practice. For more information please see our 'Homework' section.


Through our daily guided group reading sessions, pupils have the opportunity to read with an adult, practice spellings, independent handwriting and reading tasks.


In Year 4, we aim to cover a range of skills in our Numeracy sessions, including: Number, Shape and Data. Each session will feature the following:

- Engaging warm-up (Range of Number work or introduction of new skills)

- Concrete learning (Development of Numeracy skills)

Please see below for the link to helpful YouTube videos that benefit multiplication development:

Click link for --> Times Tables

Welsh / Cymraeg

The Welsh language is very important to us at St David's. We encourage both staff and children to use incidental Welsh both inside and outside of the classroom. We enjoy our daily Helpwr Heddiw sessions to support children in learning new phrases by playing fun Welsh games. 
This term, in Spring 1, we will be focusing on Illness (Salwch). Here we will look at different body parts in Welsh, different illness' in Welsh and begin to explore difference sentence patterns to talk about how we feel.

Modern Foreign Languages

As part of International Languages, Severn will be learning Spanish. Throughout the whole year we will incorporate Spanish into our routine, in order to learn basic words, phrases and questions.

Languagenut is a wonderful online tool where children can access resources to support the development of their new language (Spanish). Each child will have their own log in details where they can gain points for activities completed. Languagenut will also give you the correct pronunciation of words and phrases.​​​​​​ All children should have brought home their login details, however if you need a reminder please contact

Online Safety!

At St David's, we are extremely fortunate to have access to a range of different ICT devices. We promote the use of 'SMART' rules daily, as we know how important it is to stay safe online.

Please encourage your children to use these 'SMART' rules at home too. For more information about supporting your child with using the internet safely, please click on the following link:

Jigsaw PSHE!

The Curriculum for Wales is now statutory requirement since September 2022 for all schools in Wales. It has a key role to play in helping children and young people navigate the world safely. Welsh Government wants education to help our children to develop as healthy, confident individuals, ready for the next chapter in their life after school. Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) encompasses the knowledge, skills, dispositions and values that will empower learners to:

  • Support their health and well-being
  • Develop healthy, safe and fulfilling relationships of all kinds, including those with family and friends, and in time, romantic and sexual relationships
  • Navigate and make sense of how relationships, sex, gender and sexuality shape their own and other people’s identities and lives
  • Understand and support their rights and those of others to enjoy equitable, safe, healthy and fulfilling relationships throughout their lives.

Healthy Snack!

We are very proud that St David's is a healthy school. We encourage all children to eat healthy during snack and lunch times. 

Our Healthy schools competition will continue this term. Each week, the children's healthy snack tally is added up. The class with the most points earns an extra break on Fridays!

We are able to provide snack for your children in school at a daily cost of £2 per week / £14 per term. Please pay via Parent Pay.

Please ensure that your child has a labelled bottle in school daily, containing water only. We have fresh drinking water fountains, where the children can refill their bottles.

For advice on how to make a healthy packed lunch, please visit:

101 Experiences!

As a school we have created a list of 101 experiences we believe all children should have the opportunity to explore. These are linked to the 4 purposes of the Curriculum for Wales. Once you have completed an experience, send a photo to Miss Price who will upload the experience to Seesaw. When you collect 5 of more experiences from each purpose you will be celebrated in our VIP assembly. Happy exploring!

Active Travel!


WOW is a pupil-led initiative where children self-report how they get to school every day using the interactive WOW Travel Tracker. If they travel sustainably (walk, cycle or scoot) once a week for a month, they get rewarded with a badge. It's that easy!

Please support us on our Active Travel mission by encouraging your child to walk, cycle or scoot to school, or use our Park and Stride arrangements at Pentwyn Leisure Centre. This will help keep our bodies healthy and help reduce our carbon footprint!


Rights Respecting Schools!

St David's C.I.W Primary School is proud to be a Rights Respecting School, which means we are a community where children's rights are learned, taught, practiced, respected, protected and promoted.

This half term we will be focusing on Articles 13, 14 and 15 from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.



Picture News!


When discussing the Picture News, we have been challenging ourselves to use new, ambitious vocabulary to describe our feelings and opinions. We have been learning about current news, topics and events. We have been exploring the key questions linked to these further in class.



After school clubs run on a Tuesday afternoon 3:30-4:30.

Year 4 will be running cookery club this term fin the creative room. 

All clubs will run for a term and will change every term. If your child would like to take part in our after school club or be added to the waiting list please send an e-mail to

Useful Links

By clicking below, you can access a range of resources to continue learning at home. Great online games for curriculum areas - BBC Bitesize - Lots of online games linked to different areas of the curriculum - Online Welsh games - Corbett Maths - 5-a-day Challenges - White Rose Maths - Reasoning Challenges Use this link to help with Online Reading - award winning cross curricular website for primary school children. It enables children to explore and enhance their knowledge in a fun and creative way. - collection of online tools provided to all schools in Wales by the Welsh Government - Learn Welsh Games - S4C Education